I really enjoy and appreciate your writing, Jay.

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And I'm grateful for your comment, not to mention for all the important work you do!

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Thanks, Jay, for sharing these thoughts. You give me inspiration--I'm the author, after all.

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Keep. on authoring. I keep hoping that if I author enough I might become an authority. But I do know it doesn't work that way!!

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Another great piece, Jay, and one with which I know many people will identify.

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Sad, but it's one of those inconvenient truths that we all have our demons, but better to acknowledge having them than to be had by them!

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How hard it is, at times, to get out of the loop of dark thoughts, but as you wisely point out, you are the author and thus, can also be the creator of the exit ramps. This is also what yoga guides us to do.

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Thanks so much for your note. It was the last thing I read before drifting off to sleep last night and the first thing that came to mind on waking this morning. I don’t have a yoga practice, but I can easily appreciate how it might work for you. Although hardly yoga, I find that simply stretching can help to calm my nerves. It also occurs to me that, in addition to yoga, mindfulness or meditation work for some, religion for others. I’m hardly an expert in the many ways to acknowledge, approach, and address the demons and dark places in the soul, but it strikes me that, in their number and variety, they reflect the universal, very human experience of struggling and traveling with darkness. It’s something we share. In that sharing lies the possibility of being with one another, seeing ourselves in each other, seeing each other as fellow travelers. Call me a dreamer, but this sure beats demonizing one another.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

"What if I’m not heard or read? What if I have no ideas, no words, no choice phrases? What if the well of creativity is drained and dry?"

Based on what I've read, I don't think you should worry about it.

You've got a great deal more to offer!!

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I'm grateful for your faith in me. Okay if I call you in the middle of the night when my faith is low or ebbing?

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a wise comedian once wrote the following regarding late night calls. "I'm in right now, so call me again when I'm out"

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